Source code for rexmex.metrics.classification

import numpy as np
import sklearn.metrics

from rexmex.utils import Annotator

classifications = Annotator()

[docs]def condition_positive(y_true: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the number of instances which are positive. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. Returns: cp (float): The number of positive instances. """ cp = np.sum(y_true) return cp
[docs]def condition_negative(y_true: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the number of instances which are negative. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. Returns: cn (float): The number of negative instances. """ cn = np.sum(1 - y_true) return cn
[docs]def true_positive(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the number of true positives. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tp (float): The number of true positives. """ tp = np.sum(y_score[y_true == 1]) return tp
[docs]def true_negative(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the number of true negatives. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tn (float): The number of true negatives. """ y_score = 1 - y_score tn = np.sum(y_score[y_true == 0]) return tn
[docs]def false_positive(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the number of false positives. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fp (float): The number of false positives. """ fp = np.sum(y_score[y_true == 0]) return fp
[docs]def false_negative(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the number of false negatives. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fn (float): The number of false negatives. """ y_score = 1 - y_score fn = np.sum(y_score[y_true == 1]) return fn
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="TN / (TN + FP)", link="", ) def true_negative_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the true negative rate (duplicated in :func:`specificity` and :func:`selectivity`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tnr (float): The true negative rate. """ tnr = specificity(y_true, y_score) return tnr
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(true_negative_rate) def specificity(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the specificity (duplicate of :func:`true_negative_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tnr (float): The specificity score. """ n = condition_negative(y_true) tn = true_negative(y_true, y_score) tnr = tn / n return tnr
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(true_negative_rate) def selectivity(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the selectivity (duplicate of :func:`true_negative_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tnr (float): The selectivity score. """ tnr = specificity(y_true, y_score) return tnr
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="TP / (TP + FN)", link="", ) def true_positive_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the true positive rate (duplicated in :func:`hit_rate`, :func:`sensitivity`, and :func:`recall_score`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tpr (float): The true positive rate. """ tpr = sensitivity(y_true, y_score) return tpr
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(true_positive_rate) def hit_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the hit rate (duplicate of :func:`true_positive_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tpr (float): The hit rate. """ tpr = sensitivity(y_true, y_score) return tpr
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(true_positive_rate) def sensitivity(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the sensitivity (duplicate of :func:`true_positive_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: tpr (float): The sensitivity score. """ p = condition_positive(y_true) tp = true_positive(y_true, y_score) tpr = tp / p return tpr
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(true_positive_rate, name="Recall", binarize=True) def recall_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the recall for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Duplicate of :func:`true_positive_rate`, but with alternate implementation from :mod:`sklearn`. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: recall (float): The value of recall. .. note:: It's surprising that the sklearn implementation of TPR needs to be binarized but the rexmex implementation does not """ recall = sklearn.metrics.recall_score(y_true, y_score) return recall
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="TP / (TP + FP)", link="", binarize=True, ) def positive_predictive_value(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the positive predictive value (duplicated in :func:`precision_score`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: ppv (float): The positive predictive value. .. seealso:: """ tp = true_positive(y_true, y_score) fp = false_positive(y_true, y_score) ppv = tp / (tp + fp) return ppv
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(positive_predictive_value, name="Precision") def precision_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the precision for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Duplicate of :func:`positive_predictive_value`, but with an alternate implementation using :mod:`sklearn`. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: precision (float): The value of precision. """ precision = sklearn.metrics.precision_score(y_true, y_score) return precision
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="TN / (TN + FN)", link="", ) def negative_predictive_value(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the negative predictive value (duplicted in :func:`precision_score`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: npv (float): The negative predictive value. """ tn = true_negative(y_true, y_score) fn = false_negative(y_true, y_score) npv = tn / (tn + fn) return npv
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=False, description="FN / (FN + TP)", link="", ) def false_negative_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the false negative rate (duplicated in :func:`miss_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fnr (float): The false negative rate value. """ fnr = miss_rate(y_true, y_score) return fnr
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(false_negative_rate) def miss_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the miss rate (duplicate of :func:`false_negative_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fnr (float): The miss rate value. """ fn = false_negative(y_true, y_score) p = condition_positive(y_true) fnr = fn / p return fnr
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=False, description="FP / (FP + TN)", link="", ) def false_positive_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the false positive rate (duplicated in :func:`false_positive_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fpr (float): The false positive rate value. """ fpr = fall_out(y_true, y_score) return fpr
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(false_positive_rate) def fall_out(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the fall out (duplicate of :func:`false_positive_rate`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fpr (float): The fall out value. """ fp = false_positive(y_true, y_score) n = condition_negative(y_true) fpr = fp / n return fpr
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=False, description="FP / (FP + TP)", link="", ) def false_discovery_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the false discovery rate. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fdr (float): The false discovery rate value. """ fp = false_positive(y_true, y_score) tp = true_positive(y_true, y_score) fdr = fp / (fp + tp) return fdr
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=False, description="FN / (FN + TN)", link="", ) def false_omission_rate(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the false omission rate. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fomr (float): The false omission rate value. """ fn = false_negative(y_true, y_score) tn = true_negative(y_true, y_score) fomr = fn / (fn + tn) return fomr
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=float("inf"), upper_inclusive=False, higher_is_better=True, description="TPR / FPR", link="", ) def positive_likelihood_ratio(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the positive likelihood ratio. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: (float): The positive likelihood ratio value. """ tpr = true_positive_rate(y_true, y_score) fpr = false_positive_rate(y_true, y_score) lr_plus = tpr / fpr return lr_plus
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=float("inf"), upper_inclusive=False, higher_is_better=False, description="FNR / TNR", link="", ) def negative_likelihood_ratio(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the negative likelihood ratio. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: lr_minus (float): The negative likelihood ratio value. """ fnr = false_negative_rate(y_true, y_score) tnr = true_negative_rate(y_true, y_score) lr_minus = fnr / tnr return lr_minus
[docs]@classifications.annotate( # TODO not confident about this annotation lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=False, description="√FPR / (√TPR + √FPR)", link="", ) def prevalence_threshold(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the prevalence threshold score. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: pthr (float): The prevalence threshold value. .. seealso:: - - """ fpr = false_positive_rate(y_true, y_score) tpr = true_positive_rate(y_true, y_score) pthr = (fpr**0.5) / (fpr**0.5 + tpr**0.5) return pthr
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="TP / (TP + FN + FP)", link="", ) def threat_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the threat score. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: ts (float): The threat score value. """ tp = true_positive(y_true, y_score) fn = false_negative(y_true, y_score) fp = false_positive(y_true, y_score) ts = tp / (tp + fn + fp) return ts
[docs]@classifications.duplicate(threat_score) def critical_success_index(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the critical success index (duplicate of :func:`threat_score`). Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: ts (float): The critical success index value. """ ts = threat_score(y_true, y_score) return ts
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="√PPV x √TPR", link="", binarize=True, ) def fowlkes_mallows_index(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the Fowlkes-Mallows index. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: fm (float): The the Fowlkes-Mallows index value. """ ppv = positive_predictive_value(y_true, y_score) tpr = true_positive_rate(y_true, y_score) fm = (ppv * tpr) ** 0.5 return fm
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="TPR + TNR - 1", link="", ) def informedness(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the informedness. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: bm (float): The informedness value. """ tpr = true_positive_rate(y_true, y_score) tnr = true_negative_rate(y_true, y_score) bm = tpr + tnr - 1 return bm
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="PPV + NPV - 1", link="", ) def markedness(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the markedness. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: mk (float): The markedness value. """ ppv = positive_predictive_value(y_true, y_score) npv = negative_predictive_value(y_true, y_score) mk = ppv + npv - 1 return mk
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=0.0, upper=float("inf"), upper_inclusive=False, higher_is_better=True, description="LR+/LR-", link="", ) def diagnostic_odds_ratio(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the diagnostic odds ratio. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: dor (float): The diagnostic odds ratio value. .. seealso:: """ lr_minus = negative_likelihood_ratio(y_true, y_score) lr_plus = positive_likelihood_ratio(y_true, y_score) dor = lr_plus / lr_minus return dor
[docs]@classifications.annotate( name="AUC-ROC", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="Area Under the ROC Curve", link="", ) def roc_auc_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the AUC for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: auc (float): The value of the area under the curve. """ auc = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score) return auc
[docs]@classifications.annotate( name="Accuracy", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="(TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)", link="", binarize=True, ) def accuracy_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the accuracy score for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: (float): The value of . """ accuracy = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_score) return accuracy
[docs]@classifications.annotate( name="Balanced accuracy", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="An adjusted version of the accuracy for imbalanced datasets", link="", binarize=True, ) def balanced_accuracy_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the balanced accuracy for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: balanced_accuracy (float): The value of the balanced accuracy score. """ balanced_accuracy = sklearn.metrics.balanced_accuracy_score(y_true, y_score) return balanced_accuracy
[docs]@classifications.annotate( name="F_1", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="2TP / (2TP + FP + FN)", link="", binarize=True, ) def f1_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the F-1 score for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: f1 (float): The value of the F-1 score. """ f1 = sklearn.metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_score) return f1
[docs]@classifications.annotate( name="Average precision", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="A summary statistic over the precision-recall curve", link="", ) def average_precision_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: average_precision (float): The value of average precision. .. seealso:: """ average_precision = sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score(y_true, y_score) return average_precision
[docs]@classifications.annotate( lower=-1.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="A balanced measure applicable even with class imbalance", link="", binarize=True, ) def matthews_correlation_coefficient(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate Matthew's correlation coefficient for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: mat_cor (float): The value of Matthew's correlation coefficient. """ mat_cor = sklearn.metrics.matthews_corrcoef(y_true, y_score) return mat_cor
[docs]@classifications.annotate( name="AUC-PR", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, higher_is_better=True, description="Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve", link="", ) def pr_auc_score(y_true: np.array, y_score: np.array) -> float: """ Calculate the precision recall area under the curve (PR AUC) for a ground-truth prediction vector pair. Args: y_true (array-like): An N x 1 array of ground truth values. y_score (array-like): An N x 1 array of predicted values. Returns: pr_auc (float): The value of the precision-recall area under the curve. """ precision, recall, thresholds = sklearn.metrics.precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_score) pr_auc = sklearn.metrics.auc(recall, precision) return pr_auc