Source code for rexmex.metricset

from typing import Collection, List, Tuple

from rexmex.metrics.classification import classifications
from rexmex.metrics.coverage import item_coverage, user_coverage
from rexmex.metrics.rating import (
from rexmex.utils import binarize, normalize

[docs]class MetricSet(dict): """ A metric set is a special dictionary that contains metric name keys and evaluation metric function values. """
[docs] def filter_metrics(self, filter: Collection[str]): """ A method to keep a list of metrics. Args: filter: A list of metric names to keep. Returns: self: The metric set after the metrics were filtered out. """ for name in list(self.keys()): if name not in filter: del self[name] return self
[docs] def add_metrics(self, metrics: List[Tuple]): """ A method to add metric functions from a list of function names and functions. Args: metrics (List[Tuple]): A list of metric name and metric function tuples. Returns: self: The metric set after the metrics were added. """ for metric in metrics: metric_name, metric_function = metric self[metric_name] = metric_function return self
def __repr__(self): """ A representation of the MetricSet object. """ return "MetricSet()"
[docs] def print_metrics(self): """ Printing the name of metrics. """ print({k for k in self.keys()})
def __add__(self, other_metric_set): """ Adding two metric sets together with the addition syntactic sugar operator. Args: other_metric_set (rexmex.metricset.MetricSet): Metric set added from the right. Returns: new_metric_set (rexmex.metricset.MetricSet): The combined metric set. """ new_metric_set = self for name, metric in other_metric_set.items(): new_metric_set[name] = metric return new_metric_set
[docs]class ClassificationMetricSet(MetricSet): """ A set of classification metrics with the following metrics included: | **Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve** | **Area Under the Precision Recall Curve** | **Average Precision** | **F-1 Score** | **Matthew's Correlation Coefficient** | **Fowlkes-Mallows Index** | **Precision** | **Recall** | **Specificity** | **Accuracy** | **Balanced Accuracy** """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() for func in classifications: name = func.__name__ if name.endswith("_score"): name = name[: -len("_score")] if func.binarize: func = binarize(func) self[name] = func def __repr__(self): """ A representation of the ClassificationMetricSet object. """ return "ClassificationMetricSet()"
[docs]class RatingMetricSet(MetricSet): """ A set of rating metrics with the following metrics included: | **Mean Absolute Error** | **Mean Squared Error** | **Root Mean Squared Error** | **Mean Absolute Percentage Error** | **Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error** | **Coefficient of Determination** | **Pearson Correlation Coefficient** """ def __init__(self): self["mae"] = mean_absolute_error self["mse"] = mean_squared_error self["rmse"] = root_mean_squared_error self["mape"] = mean_absolute_percentage_error self["smape"] = symmetric_mean_absolute_percentage_error self["r_squared"] = r2_score self["pearson_correlation"] = pearson_correlation_coefficient
[docs] def normalize_metrics(self): """ A method to normalize a set of metrics. Returns: self: The metric set after the metrics were normalized. """ for name, metric in self.items(): self[name] = normalize(metric) return self
def __repr__(self): """ A representation of the RatingMetricSet object. """ return "RatingMetricSet()"
[docs]class CoverageMetricSet(MetricSet): """ A set of coverage metrics with the following metrics included: | **Item Coverage** | **User Coverage** """ def __init__(self): self["item_coverage"] = item_coverage self["user_coverage"] = user_coverage def __repr__(self): """ A representation of the CoverageMetricSet object. """ return "CoverageMetricSet()"
[docs]class RankingMetricSet(MetricSet): """ A set of ranking metrics with the following metrics included: """ def __repr__(self): """ A representation of the RankingMetricSet object. """ return "RankingMetricSet()"